The first edition was prepared by a specialist committee appointed by the JCCD. The JCCD is an initiative of the Council of Chief Justices of Australia and New Zealand.
The committee comprised:
- The Hon Justice Melissa Perry, Federal Court of Australia (Chair)
- The Hon Justice Jenny Blokland, Supreme Court of the Northern Territory
- Ms Susan Burdon-Smith, Senior member and Member for Diversity, Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
- Professor Sandra Hale, Professor of Interpreting and Translation, UNSW Australia
- The Hon Justice François Kunc, Supreme Court of New South Wales
- The Hon Dean Mildren AM RFD QC, formerly a Judge of the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory
- Mr Mark Painting, Chief Executive Officer, National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd (NAATI)
- Ms Colleen Rosas, Director, Aboriginal Interpreter Service (NT)
- Ms Magdalena Rowan, Senior Lecturer, Foundation Skills, Interpreting and Translating, TAFE SA
- Professor Anne Wallace, School of Business & Law, Edith Cowan University
- Ms Carla Wilshire, Chief Executive Officer, Migration Council Australia
A draft of this document was released for national public consultation. 32 written submissions were received. Public meetings were also held in Sydney and Melbourne and a telephone consultation took place with interested parties in Perth.
The committee expresses its gratitude to:
- Professor Sandra Hale and The Hon Dean Mildren AM RFD QC for their primary authorship of the Annotations and Legal Appendix.
- The Migration Council of Australia for its instrumental support for and involvement in
the preparation of this document, especially Ms Carla Wilshire (CEO), Ms Veronica Finn (Senior Policy Officer), Mr Elliott King (Junior Policy Officer) and Ms Frances Byers (on secondment from the Commonwealth Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet). - The Northern Territory Local Court for its permission to reproduce part of its Interpreter Protocols, which forms the material at Annexure 6 to this document.
- AUSIT for its permission substantially to adapt and reproduce the AUSIT Code of Ethics as part of the Interpreters’ Code of Conduct in the Model Rules.
- The Aboriginal Interpreter Service for its permission to adapt its document – ‘Do I need an interpreter? 4 step process – Legal’ – which forms the basis of the material at Annexure 4 to this document.
- Ms Allison Henry of Millwood Consulting and Ms Kristen Zornada for editorial and drafting assistance.
- All those who participated in the public consultations for their interest and thoughtful comments