Diversity and Inclusion
Leadership for Australia’s
Judicial System

Australia is one of the most
culturally and linguistically
diverse countries in the world.

In addition to our rich indigenous cultures, Australia is a nation built on migration. Our migration program sources people from more than 200 countries and over one quarter of Australia’s population was born overseas. Over 300 languages, including indigenous languages, are spoken in Australian households.

This diversity has benefited Australia enormously, both in economic and social terms. However, it has also created challenges. One area in which this is evident is the justice system – individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds can experience significant barriers to accessing justice. In order for accessible, equitable and fair justice to be delivered to all, the justice system must recognise, understand and respond to the needs of culturally diverse communities.

About Us

Judicial Council on Diversity and Inclusion

Judicial Council on Diversity and Inclusion

The Judicial Council on Diversity and Inclusion is an advisory body formed to assist Australian courts, judicial officers and administrators to positively respond to our diverse needs, including, but not limited to, the particular issues that arise for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, migrants and refugees, LGBTQI+ people, people with disabilities, culturally and linguistically diverse people, women, and older people.

Diversity and Inclusion Advocates

Diversity and Inclusion Advocates

Diversity and Inclusion Advocates are judicial officers and tribunal members who have been nominated by their head of jurisdiction to be responsible for issues relating to diversity and inclusion and access to justice in their jurisdiction.

Diversity and Inclusion Justice Network

Diversity and Inclusion Justice Network

The Diversity and Inclusion Justice Network is the formal network of Diversity and Inclusion Advocates across Australia, with a focus on providing advice and assist in the development of resources related to the work of the JCDI. For further information visit dijn.org.au.

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The Social Policy Group

The Social Policy Group

The Social Policy Group (SPG) provides secretariat support for the Judicial Council on Diversity and Inclusion and the Diversity and Inclusion Justice Network. We deliver comprehensive, end-to-end solutions by integrating policy and programme design, economic modelling, community development, digital and multilingual communications, and by fostering impactful connections between sectors and communities.

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